
Vimarsh 2023

In a relentless pursuit of identifying and promoting products / prototypes / applications tailored to meet the requirement of Law Enforcement Agencies in the realm of 5G technology, the Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D), Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Telecom (DoT) and TCoE-India proudly introduces a National Level Hackathon on 5G, ‘Vimarsh 2023'.

5G technology represents a significant advancement compared to 4G, offering substantial improvements in terms of speed, peak data rates, reduced latency, enhanced spectrum efficiency, and increased connection density. One of its most notable features lies in its diverse applications across various economic sectors. Vimarsh 2023 aims and developing India-specific use cases of Law Enforcement Agencies harnessing the capabilities of 5G & beyond technology.

Vimarsh 2023, Hackathon on 5G is a critical endeavor aimed at developing potential solutions, ideas and prototypes in the form of Minimum Viable Products, designed to empower Law Enforcement Agencies in their ongoing efforts against cybercrime and cybersecurity threats within the dynamic landscape of 5G communication technology.

Vimarsh 2023

Who can participate for Vimarsh 2023

The event is open to the following who may participate as teams, startups, etc. and may work as a team on solutions and present use cases for the 5G products / solutions

Technological hubs - R&D institutions, MSMEs, startups, and Academia (Professors, Research scholars with students from IITs, IIITs, NITs and other premier institutes & on being shortlisted either collaborate with existing start-up / MSME or open a Pvt Ltd company to take product to market)

Startups, R&D Institutions, PSUs & Academia owned and controlled by Resident Indian Citizens, academic institutions in India

Employees of the Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D) & TCoE India / DoT are not eligible

Vimarsh 2023

TIMELINE FOR Vimarsh 2023

S.No. Tasks and Activities Tentative Timeline
1 Curtain Raiser - Vimarsh 2023 25th Oct, 2023
2 Registration And Ideas Submission 1st Nov - 16th Dec, 2023
3 Screening Phase I and Screening Phase II for Submitted Products / Solutions 10th Dec - 9th Jan, 2024
4 Screening Phase III (Physical demo at prescribed 5G site) 10th Jan - 9th Feb, 2024
5 Grand Finale of Vimarsh 2023 14th March 2024
6 Envisaged outcome - Field pilots opportunities for the productised use cases (Adaption of best use cases into LEAs network) 1st Mar - 28th May, 2024

Management Committee

Organizing Committee


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who can participate for Vimarsh 2023?
  • The event is open to the following who may participate as teams, startups, etc. and may work as a team on solutions and present use cases for the 5G products / solutions

  • Technological hubs - R&D institutions, MSMEs, startups, and Academia (Professors, Research scholars with students from IITs, IIITs, NITs and other premier institutes & on being shortlisted either collaborate with existing start-up / MSME or open a Pvt Ltd company to take product to market)

  • Startups, R&D Institutions & Academia owned and controlled by Resident Indian Citizens, academic institutions in India

  • Employees of the Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D) & TCoE India / DoT are not eligible

Q2. How do I register for Vimarsh 2023?
  • Click on Register tab

  • Fill the required details and click on Sign Up button

  • You will receive OTP in your email, enter that OTP in OTP section and verify your account

  • Your account will be verified immediately after entering the OTP

Q3. How do we submit our Application?
  • Only online

Q4. When and where will the physical product / solution demonstrations take place?
  • Physical product / solution demonstrations are tentatively scheduled to take place at IIT Madras, Chennai, in the month of Jan / Feb 2024

Q5. General Information Regarding Grand Finale?
  • The event is tentatively scheduled for February 28, 2024, and the venue will be updated to the winners

Q6. What are Prizes to be won?
  • Winners will be awarded INR. 1,50,000 - each

  • Support of INR 2,50,000 provided to the winners for productization

Q7. What is the Screening process ?

Screening I (Timeline: 1 month) : 10th Dec 2023 - 9th Jan 2024

  • This stage involves the initial screening process, conducted virtually by the TCOE India (Telecom Center of Excellence). The aim is to evaluate the submissions and select the top 100 participants, with each problem statement being assigned to 10 teams

  • Screening Committee (Combined Team of DoT, TCoE India, BPR&D, and I4C as Jury) : The Screening Committee consist of members from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Telecom Centres of Excellence (TCoE India), the Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D), and the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) serving as the jury

Screening II : 10th Dec 2023 - 9th Jan 2024

  • Subsequently, a second screening process will take place, involving evaluation by a jury of around 5 members and 2 back-up members, also conducted virtually. The goal here is to further narrow down the selection to 50 participants, with each problem statement being represented by 5 teams

  • The evaluation will be carried out by Jury (DoT, TCoE India, BPR&D, I4C & Industry Experts)

Screening III (Timeline : 2 months) – 10th Jan - 9th Feb 2024

  • This stage signifies a more in-depth evaluation phase. It involves physical demonstrations at specific 5G sites and the assessment of proof of concepts (PoC). Out of the participants, 20 teams are selected, with each problem statement being represented by 2 teams

  • The evaluation will be carried out by a jury consisting of representatives from various organizations, including the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), TCoE India, BPR&D, I4C, and industry experts in physical setting

Q8. Is a 51% Shareholding of Indian Citizen or Indian Entity necessary for Startups, MSMEs, Academic Institutions, R&D Institutions, PSUs, or Collaborations to participate in the "Vimarsh 2023" 5G Hackathon?
  • Yes, Applicants to upload the respective shareholding document.

Q9. Is a YouTube link necessary for the POC Video submission?
  • Yes, It is mandatory.

Q10. Is there a word limit for the brief about the product/solution?
  • Yes, max 300 Words.

Q11. Is TRL Level 3/ POC and above stage of the product necessary to Apply?
  • Yes.

Q12. What is the Max size for uploading the PDF?
  • 200KB.

Q13. What type of document should Academic institutions ( Professors students and any combination / team of theirs ) upload in the ( Applying as ) section of the Application form?
  • They are required to upload a letter regarding their solution that has been forwarded with the approval / consent of HoD / Director of that institution.